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In an ancient mosque of al-Awlaki Anwar in northern Virginia, the reaction to the cleric's death mixed


The faithful at the mosque in northern Virginia, where Anwar al-Awlaki once served as a magnet have different reactions to the news that was killed in an airstrike by U.S. forces.

After staying at the Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center, al-Awlaki moved to Yemen and become one of the most notorious terrorists of the world. Many worshipers at the mosque, said Friday that his mosque defiled Islam and all, calling the death of innocent citizens.

Syed Jouwad al-Awlaki is related to the mosque often got in the way of the spread of central and charities.

Another person, Tarik Diap, expressed reservations about the fact al-Awlaki was killed without having been brought to trial.

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