The conventional wisdom is that if the hard talking Christie enters the race in 2012, it hurts the hard-talking, Rick Perry, the majority. Maybe not, says Nate Silver in The New York Times
If strong in New Jersey, the governor, Chris Christie, finally, hear the pleas of a group of Republicans screaming and jumping in the presidential race of 2012, which could take any of the current leading Republican, said Nate Silver in The New York Times. Since Christie is popular with conservatives like Rush Limbaugh kingmakers - not to mention the Tea Party - the governor of the state of the garden is often regarded as a major threat to Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who also calls conservatives and Tea Party. But when you actually look in the registry rather moderate Christie - which is supported gun control and immigration reform, acknowledging that climate change is caused by humans - is likely to Mitt Romney, who must watch his back. Here's an excerpt:
The point is not necessarily that Mr. Christie is a centrist, but he is a pragmatic Republican whose record and rhetoric reflects the work of having to win elections and govern, in a relatively blue. ... Above all, his record is read and probably closer to Mr. Romney that Mr. Perry. And Mr. Christie could jeopardize Mr. Romney in another way: by a strong performance in the northeast, possibly including New Hampshire, one of the country where Mr. Romney otherwise the momentum and hope to accumulate delegates.
But Mr. Christie also has an important difference - and the potential advantage - against Mr. Romney. He has a reputation ... of being a flip flopper. Instead, it has often been praised for holding his ground and say what you think.